Customer Experience Tracking

Track Your Customers Experience on Every Visit

Customer Experience Tracking™ provides a window into your members and guests experiences at the facility.


Unlike ad-hoc surveys you may undertake periodically, Customer Experience Tracking ™ researches your members and guests experience on every visit.


Then, using a quantitative methodology, it builds a statistical picture of how the club performed – department-by-department, day-by-day and hour-by-hour.


It takes the conjecture and gut feeling out of the assessment of your club’s customer-service performance.

Find Out More

Gain real-time, quantitative feedback of your customers experience at the club from just £150 per month.

How CET Would Work in Practice

Your staff hand out business card sized invitations, asking for the customer’s feedback on their experience at the club today. Alternatively, we can add the invitation to the bottom of your till receipts.


The invitation gives instructions on how the customer can complete the research through your own dedicated online research programme.


The research questions will focus on the key department the customer came to the club to visit. This means it can be used for visits from members, visitors, golf societies and function & banqueting attendees.


Every month, a comprehensive “CET Scorecard” report is produced – showing the data analytics and findings in an easy-to-understand, practical format.

What Promote Leisure Provide

Promote Leisure has created Customer Experience Tracking™ as an all-inclusive, one-stop-shop product for your club, including:


  • Artwork and printing of the customer invitation cards
  • Creation of the online research programme
  • Hosting and unique domain address for customers to provide feedback
  • Customer incentives – to encourage participation
  • Employee training of the programme
  • Employee communication & incentives
  • Real-time alerts to negative feedback
  • Monthly “CET-Scorecard” report and review

Applying CET to Your Club

Customer Experience Tracking™ builds an ongoing picture of your facility's performance in achieving your customer’s expectations.

It’s a powerful tool that can be used for:

Identifying a departments customer-service performance

The report will show in-depth analysis of each department, allowing you to identify the parts of your business performing well and those that may not be achieving your club’s standards.

Time-based analysis

Every day is different. Indeed, every hour is different. The report breaks down research findings into specific days and, when possible, times of the day. This allows you to identify contributing time-based factors that have an impact on customer-service standards.

Employee training & development

Customer Experience Tracking™ hones in on the training needs of your employees and thereafter provides an “audit” of how the training has impacted on customer-service standards.

Performance-related incentives

Performance-related incentives for successful achievement of financial targets are commonplace, but Customer Experience Tracking™ allows you to extend this principle to service standards as well.

Timely handling of customer issues

Unhappy customers can often be ‘won over’ by a timely response to their grievances. Customer Experience Tracking™ provides real-time alerts to negative results, allowing the club to address specific issues efficiently, quickly and appropriately.

Addressing operational issues

By cross-referencing the data analytics, Customer Experience Tracking™ can highlight non-employee operational issues that are negatively impacting on the customers experience at the club.

Want to put your customer experience first?
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Undy's Cottage

Charnham Street


Berkshire  RG17 0EJ

Office Hours

Monday: 8.30am - 6.00pm

Tuesday: 8.30am - 6.00pm

Wednesday: 8.30am - 6.00pm

Thursday: 8.30am - 6.00pm

Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm

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